1. I love you. 我爱你。
2. I'm in love with you. 我爱上你了。
3. You're my everything. 你是我的全部。
4. You've stolen my heart. 你偷走了我的心。
5. I have feelings for you. 我对你有感觉。
6. You are the sun in my morning, the moon in my night. 你是我清晨的太阳,夜晚的月亮。
7. My heart is yours forever. 我的心永远属于你。
8. In all the world, there's no heart for me like yours. 世上再没有比你更让我心动的人。
9. I'm enchanted by you. 我被你迷住了。
10. Love at first sight, I'm afraid it happened with you. 我想我对你是一见钟情。
11. I can't imagine my life without you. 我无法想象没有你的生活。
12. You make me happy. 你让我感到幸福。
13. I miss you so much. 我好想你。
14. I'm thinking of you constantly. 我满脑子都是你。
15. You complete me. 你让我变得完整。
16. I'm deeply in love with you. 我深深地爱着你。
17. You're the only one for me. 你是我的唯一。
18. My love for you knows no bounds. 我对你的爱没有界限。
19. You're my soulmate. 你是我的灵魂伴侣。
20. I'd do anything for you. 我愿意为你做任何事情。
21. I promise to love you forever. 我承诺永远爱你。
22. I'll be there for you, through thick and thin. 无论顺境逆境,我都会在你身边。
23. You're the one I want to spend my life with. 我想和你一起度过余生。
24. I'll never let you go. 我永远不会让你离开。
25. I love you to the moon and back. 我爱你,到天涯海角。
26. You're my favorite person in this whole universe. 你是这个宇宙里我最喜欢的人。
27. I must be in love with you, because I can't stop thinking about you. 我一定是爱上你了,因为我无法停止想你。
28. If loving you is a crime, I want to be the most convicted person. 如果爱你是种罪,那我愿做那个罪孽深重的人。
29. You make my heart skip a beat. 你让我的心跳加速。
30. I'm addicted to you, like a kid to candy. 我对你上瘾了,就像孩子对糖果一样。
31. You are my Shakespeare's Juliet. 你是我的莎翁笔下的朱丽叶。
32. You light up my life like a beacon in the night. 你像夜里的灯塔,照亮了我的生活。
33. My heart is yours, as the beach is to the sea. 我的心属于你,就像海滩属于大海。
34. You are my muse, my inspiration. 你是我的缪斯,我的灵感源泉。
35. I love you with all the passion of my soul. 我以灵魂的全部热情爱你。
36. Under the stars, I whisper my love to you. 在星光下,我向你轻声诉说我的爱。
37. On this beautiful sunset, I want to tell you how much I love you. 在这美丽的日落时分,我想告诉你我有多爱你。
38. In the garden of love, you are my rose. 在爱的花园里,你是我的玫瑰。
39. Every time I see you, it's like seeing a rainbow after the rain. 每次见到你,都像是雨后见到彩虹。
40. You are my sunrise, my dawn. 你是我的日出,我的黎明。
41. My phone's battery lasts longer when I'm near you, like it's charged by your love. 当我靠近你时,我的手机电量似乎更持久,仿佛被你的爱充电了。
42. You're the app I can't uninstall, the song that plays on repeat in my heart. 你是我无法卸载的应用程序,是我心中不断重复播放的歌曲。
43. I'd like to upgrade our relationship to the latest version, with more love and less bugs. 我想将我们的关系升级到最新版本,包含更多的爱和更少的矛盾。
44. You're my favorite emoji 😊, the one I send the most. 你是我最喜欢的表情符号😊,是我发送最多的那个。
45. You're my WiFi, and I'm always connected to you. 你是我的Wi-Fi,我总是与你保持连接。
46. I'd write a poem for you, but your beauty surpasses all words. 我想为你写首诗,但你的美丽超越了所有言语。
47. My love for you is like a secret, but I can't keep it to myself anymore. 我对你的爱像是一个秘密,但我再也无法保守了。
48. You're the missing piece in my puzzle of life. 你是我生命中拼图的缺失部分。
49. You're my North Star, guiding me through life's journey. 你是我的北极星,指引我走过人生的旅程。
50. With you, I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. 和你在一起,我感觉自己像飘在云端。
51. You make my days brighter and my nights warmer. 你让我的日子更明亮,夜晚更温暖。
52. In your arms, I find my safe haven. 在你的怀抱中,我找到了我的避风港。
53. Your smile is my drug, and I'm addicted. 你的笑容是我的毒药,我已上瘾。
54. I'd walk through fire and water just to be with you. 我愿意穿越火海和水深,只为和你在一起。
55. I feel a connection with you that I can't explain. 我和你之间有一种无法言喻的联系。
66. You're the reason my heart skips a beat every time I see you. 你是每次见到你时我的心跳都会加速的原因。
67. My love for you is a journey, and I'm ready to travel forever. 我对你的爱是一场旅程,我已准备好永远前行。
68. You're the chapter in my life that I never want to end. 你是我生命中永远不会结束的篇章。
69. You're my morning coffee, my afternoon tea, my evening wine – you're everything I need. 你是我的早晨咖啡,午后茶,夜晚红酒——你是我所需的一切。
70. With you, every moment is a memory I cherish. 和你在一起的每一刻,都是我珍视的记忆。
- 上一篇: 家的真谛:超越物质,探寻心灵的港湾
- 下一篇: 家常蛋酒制作秘籍:简单几步,美味升级