Level 1 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Po's Dream" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 2 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Tournament of the Dragon Warrior" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 3 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Level Zero" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 4 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Protect the Palace" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 5 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Lake of Tears" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 6 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Wudang Temple" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 7 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Treacherous Waters" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 8 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Wudang Rescue" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 9 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Howling Moon" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 10 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "Secret of the Sands" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 11 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "The Palace" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 12 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "The Warrior's Destiny" 100%.
See "Level 13 100% Completion!" for more information.
Level 13 100% Completion! 20
Complete level "The Final Battle" 100%.
First things first, difficulties are not stacked. To get these achievements, play on medium (Master Ninja) so you can get the achievement for beating the game on that difficulty ("Game Completed - Master"). These can be done on easy but it will make your 1000 much longer.
Getting the 100%
Check the secret achievements for 100% on Dragon Warrior, there are detailed instructions for each level. The objectives are the same on every difficulty, but obviously easier on the lower difficulties.
Kung Fu Warrior 20
Obtain a Hit Chain of 15 or higher using any combination of attacks.
In the second level, in the section with the chair that you put fireworks on you have to stop this trap thing that looks like a crocodile mouth, don't jump off it yet! A whole bunch of pigs will run up to it. Just do the panda stomp (A, then B in the air) and not all will die, then do another one right away. You should get a 15 point combo for smashing them.
Otherwise, just use fast attacks only on a large group of enemies. You get a few pretty big fights later in the game.
Fastest Warrior 20
Obtain a Hit Chain of 10 or higher using only Fast Attacks.
You will get this in no time, just fast attack a group of enemies. Fast attacks are done with X.
Strongest Warrior 20
Obtain a Hit Chain of 5 or higher using only Strong Attacks.
Same as "Fastest Warrior" just do strong attacks instead. Strong attacks are done with Y.
Panda Stumble Warrior 20
Obtain a Hit Chain of 5 or higher using only Panda Stumble.
Another easy one, just roll into a group of enemies and hit 5! Hit B while running to go into a stumble.
Ultimate Dragon Warrior 30
Purchase All Upgrades.
You just have to buy ALL your upgrades, including extra costumes! If you do not have enough coins by the end of the game, replay level 10 where you have to destroy the trap doors, but don't destroy them yet! Just do a panda stumble or fast attacks to kill the enemies. You can upgrade during the level by going to the pause menu and scrolling right, so you'll know when you can stop.
Master Of All 30
Unlock Everything.
This is where finding all those secret coins and trophies comes in! You unlock this achievement by finding all the extras in the levels. If you are wondering what you are missing, you can go to extras and see what is not found yet. If you want to find out which level, go to the load screen and scan through the levels, if it says 0 you found all the ones for that level.
Please see this thread for the location of every collectible in the game.
Awesomely Awesome 30
Defeat 250 Enemies.
I got this on the second level. There are tons of enemies for you to defeat.
Panda Stumble Extreme 20
Panda Stumble for 60 Seconds. Forced Stumble doesn't count.
This is another really easy one but you will not be able to do it right away. You have to upgrade this technique so that you can actually roll up to one minute, as well as upgrade your Chi so you have enough energy. A good spot for this is on level 6, there should be a nice open area near one of the relics to roll in a big circle. The ape will be pelting you with huge rocks, but they won't stop your stumble so just keep going.
Game Completed - Master 20
Complete the entire game on the Master Difficulty setting.
This is "medium" difficulty. Like mentioned earlier, you have to play the game twice! Once on Master, and once on Dragon Warrior.
Invincible 50
Make it through the entire game without dying.
If you die, load your last checkpoint and you're good to go. Best done on your Master play through the game, but if for some reason you