六月真恐怖阿 不多说了 第一时间俸上成就 一共49个成就 目前已知38个 有11个为秘密成就 前几个成就都有without skipping any sequence,因为还不知道游戏具体情况,即使国外的论坛里也没有消息 所以小弟确实不知啥意思 望大家见谅 (字面意思是 按照顺序 猜想会不会是游戏中每章节的流程都可以打乱??。。 也有一种可能是。。不跳过所有过场动画。。汗。。)
BLACKOUT (30 points) (暗无天日)
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence.(按照流程顺序完成本章)
QUESTIONS (30 points) (谜。。。)
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence.(按照流程顺序完成本章)
PAINFUL ANSWERS (30 points) (苦难的开始)
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence.(按照流程顺序完成本章)
FIGHT BACK AND LOSS (30 points) (困兽犹斗)
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence.(按照流程顺序完成本章)
NOT ALONE ANYMORE (30 points) (困境求生)
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence.(按照流程顺序完成本章)
THE TRUTH (30 points) (真相的背后)
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence.(按照流程顺序完成本章)
THE PATH OF LIGHT (30 points) (一线生机)
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence.(按照流程顺序完成本章)
THE LIGHT BRINGER (30 points) (杀出个黎明)
Finish the episode without skipping any sequence.(按照流程顺序完成本章)
A Day in Central Park (150 points) (逃出生天)
Complete the game.(完成游戏)
Flaming Roots (25 points) (屠魔战士)
Burn half of the roots of evil.(烧毁50%得邪恶之源)
Blazing Roots (50 points) (斩草除根)
Burn all roots of evil.(烧毁所有邪恶之源)
Basic Combination (5 points) (见习工匠)
Tape up a bottle. (自己组合一个瓶子)
Nuke (25 points) (一石三鸟)
Kill 3 Humanz at once.(一次同时杀死三个Humanz)
The Smart Fighter (5 points) (组合技)
Kill any Humanz with the 'spray + lighter' combination.(用喷雾剂和燃烧组合的方式杀死一个Humanz)
The Molotov Cocktail (5 points) (燃烧瓶DIY)
Insert a wick into a bottle with flammable content.(将灯芯等易燃物质放入一个瓶子里面做成燃烧瓶)
Cocoon (20 points) (蚕丝马迹)
Burn a cocoon. (用火烧掉一段蚕茧)
The Air Bomb (5 points) (凝固汽油弹DIY)
Throw a bottle filled with flammable liquid and shoot it mid-air.(将一个燃烧瓶扔到空中之后在空中将其打爆)
The Sticky Bomb (5 points) (粘性炸弹DIY)
Take a bottle filled with flammable content or a spray and combine it with
an adhesive.(将易燃物质放入一个瓶子里面并合粘合剂组成粘性炸弹)
Fire Bullets (5 points) (火弹魔男)
Make a fire bullet by pouring flammable liquid on it.(将易燃液体倒在子弹上,并以这种方式打出这枚子弹)
The Glowstick Bomb (5 points) (萤光炸弹DIY)
Combine a taped bottle filled with flammable content or a spray with a
Useless! (10 points) (老兵难度专用)
Combine an empty taped bottle with a wick and an emergency flare.(自己组合一枚闪光弹
Handyman Carnby (30 points) (自己动手,丰衣足食)
Make all possible combinations in the inventory.(完成所有种类的组合)
The Sharpshooter (20 points) (神枪手)
Finish off a Humanz by shooting fire bullets at it's fissure.(用涂着易燃物质的子弹杀死一个Humanz)
Demolition Expert (20 points) (没有枪,没有炮,只有自己造)
Build the most destructive weapon.(自己制造一种最具毁灭性的武器)
Fissure (20 points) (深渊)
Burn a fissure.(燃烧一个缝隙或沟壑)
The Biggest of All (25 points) (决战)
Beat the Museum Monster.(击败Museum Monster)
Goal! (20 points) (帽子戏法)
Kick 10 Ratz.(踢十只老鼠)
Toasted Eggs (20 points) (捕鼠记)
Burn a Ratz nest.(烧一个老鼠洞)
Vampirz (20 points) (贝尔蒙特模式)
Burn one of the Vampirz.(烧死一只吸血鬼)
Fisherman's Foe (10 points) (鱼类的天敌)
Shoot a goldfish.(打死一条金鱼)
Unlimited Offer (10 points) (愿意为您效劳)
Call all contacts in your address book.(打过你地址簿上的所有电话)
Wired (10 points) (租赁中心)
Hotwire a car.(租赁一辆车)
Car Thievery (10 points) (鬼屋猎车手)
Unlock a car door after breaking the window.(在打碎汽车玻璃后打开汽车门)
Free Gasoline (10 points) (凿车借油)
Pierce a car gas tank and fill a bottle with the fuel.(打开一辆汽车的油箱,并将油罐到瓶子里)
Never Leave a Key Here (10 points) (上天的恩赐)
Find a car key in the sun visor. (在汽车室挡风玻璃上的防晒板后面找到车钥匙)
The 10 Mile Race (20 points) (10英里)
Drive at least 10 miles with a vehicle. (驾驶汽车至少行使10英里)
Eradication (50 points) (鬼屋百人斩)
Kill 100 Humanz.(杀死100个Humanz)
Bloody Mary (10 points) (“男”丁格尔)
Bandage 5 deep bleeding wounds.(用绷带救治伤口5次)
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