The Truth is a major spoiler in Assassin's Creed 2. Listed below are the locations of the first ten glyph marker locations (in the order in which we found them) that will reveal the Truth puzzles in the game. Be warned, if you haven't gotten to this part in the game, leave this page and come back when you are ready. Also, be sure to check out the city maps in the Super Guide if you are having trouble finding the glyph markers.
Santa Croce
Florence: San Marco District
Note the location on the GPS in the lower right of the screen for the Glyph Location.
In the Beginning
Hint: There are five painting you need to select with the hint being "Five of these mythic scenes share a core similarity. Pick them out and you'll begin to see." The core being the apple that appears in each of the paintings -- the names of the correct paintings are listed below.
Atalanta and Hippomenes
Judgement of Paris
Idun and the Apples
The Fall
Hercules in the Garden of the Hesperides
Ospedale Degli Innocenti
Florence: San Marco District
Note the location on the GPS in the lower right of the screen for the Glyph Location.
Sixty-Four Squares
Hint: This circle puzzle is not as hard as the later ones so love it while you can. There are six plains in which to rotate the circle puzzle pieces to be in the right order. It helps to work out from the smallest circle to the largest. If you're having trouble figuring out what piece goes where, check our screenshots below to see the results for Queen Elizabeth I, Emperor Napoleon I, and George Washington.
La Rosa Colta
Florence: San Marco District
Note the location on the GPS in the lower right of the screen for the Glyph Location.
Hint: "He carried it with him. Find his inheritance." Examine the photographs and highlight the area in the photographs where you see the faint outline of a circular object aka pieces of Eden.
Villa Auditore
Note the location on the GPS in the lower right of the screen for the Glyph Location.
Infinite Knowledge
Hint: "Its open mouth deliver the kiss of death," is the big hint you get this time around for this photo hunt. The answer lies in the flame thrower on the back of the soldier in the photograph.
Hint: "Leading the young to their end," for this photo hunt. The leader would be the commander of the group, pictured above.
Hint: "The flames from its throat poke out their eyes."
Hint: "This monster did not come from man."
Santa Maria Assunta
Tuscany: San Gimignano
Note the location on the GPS in the lower right of the screen for the Glyph Location.
Instruments of Power
Hint: There are five painting you need to select with the hint being "The power they wielded cut down their enemies." The "cut" being the swords that all appear in the paintings -- the names of the correct paintings are listed below:
Perseus, Greece
Attila the Hun, Eurasia
King Arthur
Sigmund, Norse
Joan of Arc, France
Hint: There are five painting you need to select with the hint being "In their hands, the wise lean on a great force." The "lean" being the staffs that all appear in the paintings -- the names of the correct paintings are listed below:
Shabataka, Egypt
Peter, Jerusalem
Moses, Egypt
John the Baptist, Jerusalem
Alexander the Great, Macedonia
Torri Dei Salvucci
Tuscany: San Gimignano
Note the location on the GPS in the lower right of the screen for the Glyph Location.
Hint: There are six plains in which to rotate the circle puzzle pieces to be in the right order. It helps to work out from the smallest circle to the largest. Notice that the outer two layers are connected as well as the next set of outer layers; the inner three layers can move independently.
Hint: This one is a little harder. Now the outermost layer can be moved independently. Also see that the second outer layer and the third inner layer are connected...sort o
- 上一篇: 刺客信条:兄弟会一天内线上升到50级并拿到所有线上奖杯的方法
- 下一篇: 刺客信条:兄弟会几大进步